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Podcast Guest Application

Could you be my next guest?


A motivational, weekly podcast sharing tips & insights for starting a business doing what you love ♥︎

  • Usually in top 100 in Careers category in Apple Podcasts USA
  • Top 1% of all podcasts according to Listen Notes
  • I have a loyal and wonderful following of mostly women in the USA :) 


Listen On Your Player HERE

*If you have not listened to the podcast at all, please wait and listen before you apply as I want to make sure YOU believe you are a fit before applying. Listen Here!

I am always looking for enthusiastic entrepreneurs and fun topic experts to share their wisdom with my audience! If you believe you have valuable information you can share with the listeners, then I would love to hear from you and see if we could be a fit!


  • Those starting businesses doing something they love
  • Those seeking the confidence & knowledge to make a new business happen
  • Approximately 75% women listeners
  • Approximately 80% Apple podcast/mobile listeners
  • Majority USA listeners, but do get them around the world


Currently seeking :

Business owners who SERVE new business owners. This means you offer a product or service that would help new business owners get started effectively.  This could be that you offer things like social media services, graphic design, website help, email marketing help, VA help, bookkeeping services, HR help, etc. 

 **ABSOLUTELY no pushy sales. This is about you providing VALUE for the them something to chew on so they can confidently move forward with their business. You will have the opportunity to share your business or program during the episode and will be a great way to get exposure. 

 Thank you for your interest in helping other new business owners start living their dream!

xoxo Kimberly