EPISODE 30: Stop comparing your business all the time - it's stealing your joy!

May 14, 2020


Have you ever felt like your business is less-than compared to other businesses you see around you? Do you feel like you don't quite measure up & find yourself wondering how you are ever going to be as successful as "they" are? Have you noticed that it's lowering your self-confidence?

Then it’s time to get a grip and stop comparing yourself to others - it’s doing you no good! You don’t realize how much you are probably subconsciously comparing your business on a daily basis.

We all know the effects of how social media causes anxiety with teenagers. I’m a parent - and if you are too then it’s a big topic I’m sure you have had to cover with your kiddos. Science has proven what constant comparison can do to your brain and how it can negatively affect the kids.

The same goes for you and your business too. Here’s the big ways it’s affecting you and may not even know it:

1 - It steals your joy. Yes, it makes you less happy with yourself.

2 - Slows you down. Yes, it stops your momentum.

3 - Stops your creativity. Yes, it makes you think your business needs to be like others’ and not a creation of your own.

4 - Takes the focus off your mission. Yes, it stops you from focussing on what is most important and what you set out to do.

If you are spending time on social media seeing what others are doing constantly within groups you are in, then you may need to put some measures in place to protect yourself.

1 - You can limit your time on social media. You can do this by setting a timer. In EPISODE 27 how they have super-charged my productivity - hear how timers can can help you too! Another option is to use scheduling apps like Tailwind, Planoly, Buffer, etc. I use Tailwind it’s been a great tool for scheduling social media posts out so I don’t actually have to be on social media.

2. Remember that you started this business on a mission. Yes, you had a goal in mind, you had people you wanted to help - and you wanted to make a difference. Keep this front and center - this is WHY you are in business …so don’t stop!

3. Stop and realize you ARE awesome! You have something others don’t. Those things that make you different, they will make you stand out - and what you have will draw your people to you! Don’t ever stop being you - the last thing you want to do is copy someone else or you will use the best leverage you have!

Remember that the world needs what ONLY YOU can offer. Yes, others may be doing great things in their business. And that’s okay. What you want to do is be YOUR BEST and keep chugging - and focused on your mission. I’m so excited for you to change the world in your own little or big way! YOU GOT THIS!


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