Ep 133: 4 Stages New Business Owners Stall & How To Get Moving!

May 04, 2022
In today's episode, I share with you the 4 stages I see new business owners stall & the solutions for moving past them. If this is you where you feel stalled, this will totally help you so much! 

And in this episode I share how I created products for these stages - you get a sneak peek under the hood of my business :) 
The first stage I see them stall is in the idea stage. So many just don't know how to figure this out. They ponder many ideas, think of a million things, but don't know how to narrow them down or validate their idea.  That's precisely why I created the Best Business Idea workshop to help them finally figure it out by working through the proven 3-Step Systematic Process!
The second stage I see them stall is in the idea stage. They are overwhelmed with all the steps & confused about how to actually get their type of business going. Luckily for many of you in this stage there is lots of help. From books to podcasts to videos - there is help. That's why I created my Free 16-step checklist which you can get below - so you don't feel frazzled & can stay on track as you start!

The third stage I see new business owners stall is when they decide to pivot. Some start businesses that either don't do well or they don't feel aligned with. That's when you need to go back to discovering the best idea for you and making sure it's a good one that will actually make you money.
The fourth stage I see new business owners stall is in the early growth stage. They think that if they just open for business, people will buy. But many sit there wondering how the heck to start their businesses. Yes there are things you can do to get your business growing - and first that's by growing your audience. You need to have people to market your products to or they simply won't sell. That's why I created Grow-Getters, so you would know exactly what you should be putting in place to turn your new business into a Growth Machine!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎉Have a business idea & want to create your business PLAN? Then my Mini Business Plan Workshop is FOR YOU!

 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥳Ready to start your new business WITHOUT wasting time, breaking the bank or losing your mind? Then the Just Getting Started Group is for you!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥰READY to actually get good at marketing so you can grow your business WITHOUT being pushy or salesy? Then Grow-Getters Is FOR YOU!




 💥FREE TOOLS 👉 PRINT YOUR FREE GUIDES: 16-step Starters Checklist and my Business Idea Guide (IKIGAI) to help you find your true business purpose!



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