Ep 128: 3 Scary things about Starting a Business & what to do about them.
Mar 31, 2022There are so many things people are scared of as they start their businesses. Think about what you think are the scariest things? Well, today, I'm going to share with you 3 scary things...and to me, these are the scariest things :)
So many though, are scared of things like getting on video, losing money, putting yourself out there, and you're worried about what others think.
In today's episode, I share with you what are in my opinion, the 3 scariest things.
1 - That you won't believe in yourself enough to actually take steps to pursue your dream, and we'll miss out on what you have to offer the world.
2 - That you will build this and then not show up later. You won't put yourself out there.
3 - That you won't get help you when you need it. You'll stall and just keep trying to do things yourself, not realizing how much time you're wasting & how much money you're losing out on by not getting your business going.
I hope you will listen to this entire episode - it's a good one and will make you see that what you think is so scary really isn't because you can take proper steps to do things right!
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