Ep 123: How to know you're ready to take the leap - and start a business!
Feb 24, 2022In today's episode, I share the 3 things that will tell you that you're ready to take the leap & start your business! So many people who have a business idea, or yearning to do this, keep asking themselves when the right time is to start. Well, if this is you, you'll know after listening today!
The first way you will know you are ready is when you are ready & willing to be a student. And you have you to be willing not to be super awesome at business, yet. You will get there. But you have to be willing to LEARN. Yes, as you start a business you are a student.Yes, as you build your business you are a student. And yes, as you grow your business you will continue to be a student. You are always going to be learning, growing & expanding your knowledge about business.
The second way you will know you are ready is when you decide you want your future to be different than it is today. You make a conscious decision that you don't want things to stay the same way they have been. You have obviously had this dream for a while...and do you want to keep drawing this out? Do you want to continue to just dream about it? Or are you ready to make a change in your life. If so, you know you're ready to take the leap.
The third way you'll know when you're ready to start your business is when you realize that your dream is worth it. When you tell yourself that this dream is worth it. You are meant for more than where you are today - and this business dream is a way for you to become that person YOU know you're capable of becoming. So when you see that life is short and it's time to do something amazing for yourself, you'll know it's time to start your business.
I hope you'll listen today as I talk you through these things & get you motivated as you turn your passions & skills into a new business!
***Here's the other episode on this same subject - about starting before you FEEL ready - Episode 70 HERE
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