Episode 109 - She's Just Getting Started podcast

Ep 109: 3 Ways new business owners are a hot mess & how to deal with it LOL.

Nov 18, 2021

Do you ever feel like a hot mess during this process of starting & building your business? Chances are you do - and you're not alone. In today's episode I share 3 ways many of us are a hot mess and what you can do to overcome them.

So here's the deal:

We're all a hot mess building our businesses. No one totally has it together. Here are 3 ways I'm seeing everyone struggling & just wanted to share so you're know you're not alone. Plus, you can learn ways to overcome the struggles you're dealing with. 

1. Your time. Yes, many new business owners struggle with their time management. Many have full time jobs or other full time commitments (like kids, etc) and it's hard for sure. Make sure that when you are working on your business, you are focusing.


2. Your target customer. So many new owners come to me struggling with their niche. This is normal. And, you don't need to struggle. Simply map out your different customer segments (types of potential customers) and work with who you are excited about working with. Then over time you will start seeing which types of clients can afford you, love what you offer and that you enjoy working with. THEN you can narrow down. 


3. Your confidence. So many new owners are not confident in what they are offering because they are nervous it doesn't measure up to other similar offerings out there. This is normal. But here's the deal: you have experience doing this, a skill or or you love doing this. That is enough for now - simply get this product or service out there and start tweaking it. This has been your dream to do this - do not let yourself worry about this or that - worry about finding people you can serve!

I hope you'll listen to this fun episode to get more details on this & so you'll feel much better if you know you're a hot mess too :) 


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