Ep 102: 4 Things you give up as you start & build your business

Sep 30, 2021

When you're starting a business, you gain so much - it's so fulfilling, so much fun & simply an exciting time. But, many new business owners don't realize that there are things you give up as you start your business and even as it grows. In today's episode, I share with you these 4 below and give you some thoughts on each :) 

1. You give up a lot of free time. You give up some of those hours that you may have been relaxing, hanging out, exercising, shopping & more.  A business takes time out of your life...but it's like anything else in life: SO WORTH IT :)

2. You give up the status quo. And this one, we say: GLADLY. Many of you are not happy in your current 9-5 jobs or even the fact that you don't have a job, and you want a fulfilling career. You want to make a difference. You want to create something all your own. AND, yes, you want to make money doing what you love. So, yes you do have to give up how things are now...and I know many of you happily do so :) 

3.  You give up some of your pride. Well, this one is hard. But it's true. Putting yourself out there is scary sometimes. You may be wondering if people will even like what you offer? If people will buy it?  You may be worried people with wonder why the heck you are starting a business? Here's the deal: you just don't worry about what anyone else thinks. You pursue your dream...you keep pushing forward...and you keep you eye on your vision because this is YOUR life, not theirs. Yes, you have to swallow your pride a little, but once you see what a difference you can make in others' lives, you'll know this is exactly where you are supposed to be :) 

4. You give up the thought that you know everything. Oh goodness, this is hard. When you start a business, you realize how much you don't know. There is much to learn, create & keep up with. It's hard. But, you have to humble yourself & realize that you need to learn in the most effective & efficient way possible. That's why you utilize all your free resources, then most will need to pay someone to help them. Even me, with my 20 years of business experience, hires people to help me. I had a business coach for the first 8 weeks of my business - each week working with her. It was WELL worth it. And, since then, I have paid groups I'm in and get help on a regular basis. It's a must for me and for 99% of my clients. You need help...and realize that it is something you will have to pay for. It will save you time, frustration & money - and truly send you in the right direction!




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