EPISODE 37: Stop complicating your business - 3 ways to SIMPLIFY it!

Jul 02, 2020

It's time to simplify your business! Whether you are just starting, been in business a while, or just dreaming of starting your online business, you need to make sure it is SIMPLE and LEAN!

In this episode, I share 3 ways you can simplify your business in general so that you don't let your business overtake your life. After all, you want to have your business fit into your LIFE  - not have your life fit into your business, right?

I mentioned EPISODE 20 where I share how you can time-block and make your work hours super productive! Listen Here!

I also mentioned that I use KAJABI and how it has saved me SO MUCH TIME! I literally can not tell you how much it has simplified my every day...my website....my workshops ...my emails - EVERYTHING! If you are considering offering your own digital product or course or membership - you can get a Kajabi 28 day trial here  (and full disclosure, it is an affiliate link. You can also go through their website directly and get a 14-day trial. If you end up signing up for Kajabi,  that by using my referral link, it does support this podcast and all of the free content I provide and want to thank you ahead of time!)


⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🎉Have a business idea & want to create your business PLAN? Then my Mini Business Plan Workshop is FOR YOU!

 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥳Ready to start your new business WITHOUT wasting time, breaking the bank or losing your mind? Then the Just Getting Started Group is for you!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️🥰READY to actually get good at marketing so you can grow your business WITHOUT being pushy or salesy? Then Grow-Getters Is FOR YOU!




 💥FREE TOOLS 👉 PRINT YOUR FREE GUIDES: 16-step Starters Checklist and my Business Idea Guide (IKIGAI) to help you find your true business purpose!



FREE Business-Building Resources HERE!