Ep 207 She's Just Getting Started podcast

Ep 207: Why do you keep doing what isn't working?

Oct 05, 2023

In today's episode, I share with you what to do when things aren't working in your business. So many new and even veteran owners, get stuck in a loop of things not working...then let their business go downhill, start doubting themselves & even consider closing shop. Don't do this. There's 3 simple steps you can take now if some things in your business aren't working as planned.

First of all, realize that sometimes things just don't work in your business. Maybe something you planned to sell doesn't sell well...or people aren't reaching out to you...or your product/service isn't giving the results your planned....or you get returns that you didn't except...or you just aren't loving what you are doing.

Here's the 3 things I go over today so you can pick your head up & get moving in a direction that serves you and your clients/customers!

1 - Whatever is not working, STOP DOING IT. I kind of giggle in the episode on this one because we all miss the obvious: if it's not working, we don't need to keep doing it. I talk you through this and how to stop yourself now so you can stop the bleeding!

2. Get help, advice or guidance from a mentor. Don't just sit there and waller in this...you need to get advice from someone who can really help you think through your situation. Maybe it's a family friend - or maybe it's from a business coach like me - or other business owners. This is why I have this career - because not only do I love helping people, but there is a massive need for sound guidance when it comes to your business. Don't overlook this - getting coaching & mentorship has been INTEGRAL in my success.

3. Pick your head up & pick a new direction. Seriously: you have to make a change. You have to get back to the heart of why you started this business & who you wanted to help. Then you have to make some changes. No more just being sad or doubting yourself or banging your head against the wall. You are here to help people & it's time you figure out next steps!

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