Ep 189: Your competition & 3 ways to deal with it
Jun 01, 2023In today's episode, I talk to you about the dreaded word: COMPETITION. So many new business owners freak out when it comes to new businesses popping up that sell the same thing they do. I don't want you feeling this way when it happens to you (because it will) and so today I share 3 ways to cope!
It's inevitable. You will have competitors. But new business owners seem to be the ones most affected EMOTIONALLY by competitors. They get very nervous, they get upset & they even freak out. I hope this isn't you LOL. But if it is, make sure you listen to today's episode all the way through as I give you a pep talk & walk you through 3 coping mechanisms so you can focus on what matters most in your business!
1 - Accept it. You will have competition. So many like you just can't accept that others will sell the same products or services. Here's the deal: they will. And just think - in the future, you will have even more competition, so you better appreciate today!
2 - Focus on your God-given gifts and the WHOLE reason you started this business. There are people you wanted to help. You KNEW they needed your help. That's why you're here. Stay focused on that & not what other people are doing. You have a unique way of offering what you are offering - and that's why people will buy from you :)
3 - Stay in integrity. Don't start sneaking around trying to get info about the other business & being shady about getting the scoop on them. Stay out of that. Also - don't lower your price just because your competition is lower. That is a way of falling out of integrity WITH YOURSELF. You came up with your pricing because it represented the value of what you offer, including your experience, your time, your costs, etc. Don't let yourself fall out of integrity & lower price & sneak around just because you are worried someone else is going to get more business than you. You're better than that.
I share some other stories too in today's episode - make sure you listen when you can!
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